Em•pa•thique /ɛmˈpæθiːk/
Definition: 1. Natural Passion for Observing Emotion 2."Empathique" implies a natural, perhaps even sophisticated, inclination toward empathy, signifying an individual's heightened capacity to engage with and appreciate the 'emotional states' of the world in a profoundly intuitive and aesthetically nuanced manner.
Capture the World's Salient Cues
Photography is a way for me to connect with the world, my family, and my ancestors, and it holds a special place in my heart. My grandfather, Carl, was a photographer, and an intricate one at that. Little of his photos exist today, but he was a lifelong photo enthusiast, starting in the United States Air Force during WWII and retiring from Dow Chemical's Photo Development Division in the 80s. He was an electric man who lit up the room when he entered. In the few photos I've seen, it feels as if he used his personal film to photograph and capture the emotions evoked by his presence.
"May today feel like a win your future self will cheer for!"
-Papa Carl
Some of my Shots...